Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So I've been making bounds and leaps of progress in my life. Be jealous. Ok well maybe not THAT much, but I've definitely started rolling a tiny snowball down a giant fucking mountain of awesome. I sold my Cabrio, which was sad and killed a small portion of my soul, but is otherwise a relief. I FINALLY returned a piano book to my piano teacher which has also been eating me inside for the last year and a half. I helped write a roadshow for my old church which won BEST SCRIPT, because that's how I roll. And both finally and cryptically, I had a doctors appointment today that went quite well, which will ultimately mean something HUGE for my weight loss journey (no pun intended). I promise, once I know for sure whether or not this "thing" is gonna happen, I will tell you ALL about it. But there's no point in getting anyone hyped for something that's still just in the works.

So I know this entry wasn't very long, but rest assured there is more to come.

Oh and also, I'd like to give a shout out to the billing office that chose Jon Schmidt's piano piece "Waterfall" as their hold music, FTW.

Friday, February 10, 2012

It's been awhile...

It's been a few weeks since my last post. No, I have not given up on my blogging goal this early in the year. I've been busy to say the least. I started bartending school which has been amazing. There are SO many drinks and I want to get drunk on ALL OF THEM. I made a new friend, Adrian, who is fabulous. I'm a little overwhelmed at the thought of actually serving paying customers and getting paid... I know I will get better with time but the perfectionist in me wants me to be an awesome bartender NOW. I mean, if I was getting paid to tell the customers what was in the drink they want then BAM, I'd be fucking set to go. It's the MAKING the drink that gets me. Which is... I don't know... like 90% of being a bartender.

Also, I've been busy with school. I'm only taking one class right now, which makes me feel like a loser. First, I accidentally signed up for the wrong class, Sign Language 2 instead of 1, and didn't realize it until I went to buy the book, at which point, it was too late to find another class to replace it with. Second, Claire passed away on the first day of school so I missed a lot of my PoliSci class. The teacher really didn't help me get caught up which leads me to believe she's a bitch, so the next time I sign up I'll for sure get another instructor. Back to the class I AM still taking; math. At first the teacher came across as a total hard-ass which made me nervous because I hate math so math+ hard-ass teacher=shit time for Caitlin. But once I became familiar with all of his requests it's really not all that bad. Infact, I think he hates me the least out of the class because I'm not totally fucking stupid. Key word, totally. He's actually funny because whenever someone says something REALLY fucking dumb, I catch him smirking when he turns his back (I sit at the front so I can see it).

As for loosing weight... I haven't put as much effort into it as I should. Which translates into I haven't done shit. It's not that I don't want to, it's that [insert excuse here]. But I know I just have to get right back to it. So with the help of my mother, who has done fantastic, I hope to get back on track. HEALTH AWAITS!