Saturday, January 7, 2012

A few days later...

So it's only been a few days and not a lot has changed. I thought I would outline my method. Basically, it's a mix of Body for Life and the Clean Eating diet. But I'm trying to ease myself in so that I don't get overwhelmed and quit. This week I focused on eating a "clean" breakfast and cutting back on my soda intake. Next week it will be breakfast and then a snack and even less soda. And so on. And so forth. I've been holding up well, other than finding a chicken embryo in one of my eggs a few mornings back. I guess it didn't help that a few days prior to that my boyfriend and I watched a documentary about people in America and how wasteful we are with out food. So when I wanted to throw out the chicken abortion I had just performed my boyfriend insisted I scoop it out and eat what I had prepared. So being the fucking champ that I am, I did it. And I remain psychologically tormented from it. 

As for exercise, I'm trying to incorporate cardio, which I have successfully avoided like the plague for the last 2 years. My dog Bear makes it a lot easier for me. Whenever I pick up his leash, it's as if I just shoved his face into a pile of coke, and how can I say no to that. What DOESN'T help is the fact that when we finally go on our walk, Bear feels the need to show every dog in the neighborhood that he is an asshole and will mark their property as they bark from behind a fence. I warn him that one of these days, those dogs will get loose and will remember every time he lifted his leg infront of them. He remains unfazed.

So that's where I stand thus far. Not entirely eventful and fairly boring. Oh and I just found out my former P.E. teacher was arrested for having sex with a 15 year old. Though I would throw that little tidbit in for the champs that read this boring entry the entire way through. Mad props.

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